Thursday, 3 February 2011

Hair cuts and cinema.

Had a couple free days and took advantage to get my hair done. It's been long for a while and took ages to get it that way. However lately, it's just been so flat and getting on my nerves. The dilemma.... Cut it, maybe regret within hours, then spend ages trying to grow it again. Or, wimp out and then wish I'd gone for it. In the end, a compromise. So, I had it cut but not too short. kind of a mid length, layered messy bob shape. So far , feel ok about it. Looked fab, though I say it myself, when I came out of salon. We'll see in a few days.

Last night I went to see Black Swan with my sister. We'd been looking forward to seeing this since watching the trailer and hearing rave reviews. I was not disappointed. Performances by Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis were spot on, and the performance of the leads mother I also thought was a great tension builder. Not a film you "enjoy" but one that grips and naintains your attention throughout. Brill.

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