Friday, 18 February 2011

My guilty not so secret: magazines.

Just on Twitter and one of the topics of conversation was fave magazines. Well, this a topic I can connect with. My fave magazine used to be Eve; this seemed to get the balance absolutely right for me. Also, however, my sister who is ten years younger than me considered it her favourite too. It hit just the right note for us both. It had fashion,newsworthy items, travel,health, fitness, beauty,cooking, creative and home inspiration without being too obviously targeted at a narrow age group. Sadly,they stopped publishing it, so maybe not enough people agreed. So, now my regular reads include: Red, Marie Claire, Easy Living among others. But, goodness, haven't they all become expensive!
Still,it's so relaxing to sit, cup of tea at my side, do that initial flick through and savour the articles I will first dip into and then on a later reading go through systematically. Sometimes from back to front for a change.
On the other hand it's dead annoying when, being a regular magazine reader, I see articles that appear to have been recycled, usually in another magazine and with tweaks at a later date. I feel like I've been cheated and it puts me off buying for a while.
Do you know what I mean?

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Book v Film

I watched the DVD Eat,Pray, Love last night. I read the book last year whilst on holiday and was totally engrossed in it. Sadly, I found the DVD disappointing. I guess its hard to convey some stories effectively within the time span of a movie. It wasn't the acting that was a disappointment,in fact its difficult to explain what was missing. Maybe the description in the book just conjures up images, awareness of character's feelings and thoughts that is hard to match visually. This won't put me off reading the next chapter in Elizabeth Gilbert's story though.

Another film I watched after reading the book was Atonement. In this case I thought both were great. If I've read the book, I often want to watch the film too. It very rarely happens the other way around though.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

No Jeans

Usually I more or less live in jeans : at home, work, out walking, basically whatever and wherever. So, getting pretty fed up with this I decided that this week; well, at least Monday to Friday I will not wear jeans. Going well so far, although admittedly it is only Wednesday. I am already feeling so much smarter and happier about my overall appearance. I will always love wearing jeans but its nice to have a change.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Don't take away my music!

Spent some long overdue time loading more music onto my ipod. When I first got it I hardly believed it would be possible to use up all that memory. But, you know what, its fills up faster than you think. I really love that , it doesn't matter what kind of music your'e in the mood for coz once you have a great selection on there it's so easy. I still love getting a new CD though, that you can hold in your hand and view the little booklet that often comes along with it and also to use in the car. I do have one of those little gizmo's that enable you to use your ipod in car but it's a bit of a phaf ( is that a word) and I haven't got used to it.

The same goes for e-books. Can't get comfortable with reading a book online (although I love to browse blogs and websites) because nothing beats having that book in your hands, especially curled up all comfy on the sofa.I confess, however, that I have yet to try audio books on my ipod. I suspect I might be tempted to try this when out walking or sitting in the garden on a lovely day. Not today, the wind has been blowing loudly all day with me having to retrieve washing for fear of it disappearing completely.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Free Time

Feeling good. Finished shift today and a whole week off ahead of me. Been so lucky and ended up with lots of leave left to take before new financial year. So an almost blank page for the week ahead. I have a couple things lined up. Meeting a friend on Friday which will be great as not seen her for a while. Also, my daughter and I getting an eye test. Mixed feelings about this as I know I shall definitely be requiring glasses and its so hard to find a flattering pair. Hope the weather is kind as I'm hoping to do lots of walking too.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Hair cuts and cinema.

Had a couple free days and took advantage to get my hair done. It's been long for a while and took ages to get it that way. However lately, it's just been so flat and getting on my nerves. The dilemma.... Cut it, maybe regret within hours, then spend ages trying to grow it again. Or, wimp out and then wish I'd gone for it. In the end, a compromise. So, I had it cut but not too short. kind of a mid length, layered messy bob shape. So far , feel ok about it. Looked fab, though I say it myself, when I came out of salon. We'll see in a few days.

Last night I went to see Black Swan with my sister. We'd been looking forward to seeing this since watching the trailer and hearing rave reviews. I was not disappointed. Performances by Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis were spot on, and the performance of the leads mother I also thought was a great tension builder. Not a film you "enjoy" but one that grips and naintains your attention throughout. Brill.